Alcoholics Anonymous Kansas District 5
AA Local Hotline 785-335-0319 call or text
Email us at:
Meet the Groups
Click on the Group Name or Profile to Visit the Group Page. If you can not click on the group, the page is still under construction.
Click the Group Address for a Map Location of the Group.
308 S 8th St, Salina, KS 67401 - First Presbyterian Church – South entrance
Wednesday @ 7pm (Closed to Men Alcoholics Only)
Thursday @7pm
-1st Thursday - Big Book Study (Closed)
-2nd Thursday - Big Book Study (Closed)
-3rd Thursday - Tradition & Birthday Meeting (Closed)
-4th Thursday - Big Book Study (Closed)
-5th Thursday - Speaker Meeting (Open)
Wednesday@7:45pm (Closed to Men only)
507 N Buckeye Ave, Abilene, KS 67410
St. John’s Episcopal Church - Use Back Entrance
Tuesday @7pm (Open)
Thursday @8pm (Open) - Last Thursday: Birthday Meeting
Saturday @7pm (Open) - Step Meeting​
1102 Armory Rd, Salina, KS 67401
The Alano Club
Sunday @8am (Open) - As Bill Sees It
Monday Through Friday @7am (Open)
-Flapjack Friday every Friday @6:30am
Monday @7pm (Open) - AA Card Study
Tuesday @7pm (Open) - 12x12 Discussion
Friday @7pm (Open) - Beginners Meeting

Loving Life Group
402 N 1st St, Lindsborg, KS 67456
Messiah Lutheran Church - Use Southwest Entrance
Sunday @7pm (Open)
Wednesday @7pm (Open)

Martin Street Group
901 Beatrice St, Salina, KS 67401
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Monday @7pm
-1st Monday: Traditions Study (Closed)
-2nd Monday: Big Book Study (Closed)
-3rd Monday (& 4th, if there are 5): Big Book Study (Closed)
-Last Monday: Birthday & Speaker Meeting (Open)

Minneapolis Group #1
Tuesday @8pm (Open)
Thursday @8pm (Open)
-Last Thursday: Birthday Meeting
Monday through Saturday @8am (Open)
Monday through Friday @12:05pm (Open)
Every night @8pm (Open)
Sunday @11am & 5:30pm (Open)
Thursday @5:30pm (Open)
Friday @10am (Open)
Saturday @1pm (Open)
-Birthday Meeting Last Saturday @1pm
-Speaker Meeting Last Wednesday

One Day at a Time
108 W Day St, Herington, KS 67449
First Christian Church Annex Building
Tuesday @7pm (Open)​
1102 Armory Rd, Salina, KS 67401
The Alano Club
Monday through Friday @12:15pm & 5:30pm (Open)
Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday & Thursday @7pm (Open)
Saturday & Sunday @ 10am & Sunday @ 5:30pm (Open)
-Birthday Meeting Last Friday @12:15 & Last Saturday @7pm
-Speaker Meeting First Saturday @7pm​
825 E Beloit Ave, Salina, KS 67401
Sunrise Presbyterian Church – Use East Entrance
Tuesday @8pm (Open)
Friday @8pm
-1st Friday - Step/12x12 Study (Closed)
-2nd Friday -Tradition/12x12 Study (Closed)
-3rd Friday - Speaker Meeting (Open)
-4th Friday - Birthday Meeting (Open)
-5th Friday - Chairman’s Choice (Closed)
134 S Santa Fe Ave, Salina, KS 67401
The Temple
Wednesday @7pm (Closed to Women Alcoholics Only)​
3599 N Field Rd, Solomon, KS 67480
Immaculate Conception Church Parish Hall (next to church)
Sunday @8pm (Open)
-1st Sunday: Birthday Meeting
Wednesday @8am (Open)​
1102 Armory Rd, Salina, KS 67401
The Alano Club
Wednesday @5:45pm (Closed to Women Alcoholics Only)​​​
Many Groups have come and gone but they have all left us with a legacy of sobriety that we build on today.
Explore the files and see AA in the past!