Alcoholics Anonymous Kansas District 5
AA Local Hotline 785-335-0319 call or text
Email us at:
Announcements & Upcoming Events Schedule
District 5 Business Meeting Archive
8th Street - 5th Thursday Speaker Meeting
Thursday - January 30th
Someone form somewhere will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
308 South 8th St. - Salina
Please use the South entrance.
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - February 1st
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - February 24th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - February 26th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - March 1st
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - March 26th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - March 31st@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - April 5th
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - April 28th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - April 30th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - May 3rd
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - May 26th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - May 28th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
8th Street - 5th Thursday Speaker Meeting
Thursday - May 29th
Someone form somewhere will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
308 South 8th St. - Salina
Please use the South entrance.
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - June 7th
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - June 25th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - June 30th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - July 5th
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - July 28th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
8th Street - 5th Thursday Speaker Meeting
Thursday - July 31st
Someone form somewhere will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
308 South 8th St. - Salina
Please use the South entrance.
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - July 30th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - August 2nd
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - August 25th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - August 27th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - September 6th
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - September 24th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - September 29th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - October 4th
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - October 27th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - October 29th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
8th Street - 5th Thursday Speaker Meeting
Thursday - October 30th
Someone form somewhere will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
308 South 8th St. - Salina
Please use the South entrance.
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - November 1st
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - November 24th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - November 26th@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina
Group #1 Speaker Night
Saturday - December 6th
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 7pm.
1102 Armory Road - Salina
Martin St. Birthday/Speaker Meeting
Monday - December 29th@7pm
Someone from somewhere will share after the Birthdays are celebrated
901 Beatrice - Salina
New Beginnings Speaker Night
Wednesday - December 31st@8pm
Someone will be sharing some experience, strength and hope @ 8pm. Raffle before!
321 N Santa Fe Ave. - Salina