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Salina Group #1



The Full Story

Salina Group #1  - Service #105587

was started in 1967 at the men’s halfway house on 8th & Walnut. The group started with one or two meetings a week.

When I came in 1972, we had three meetings a week on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 8:00pm. On Friday we had Speaker Meetings.

In 1972 the group started a call-in show on KSAL Radio on Sunday nights.

In 1975 the members of Salina Group #1 started the Alano Club at 5th & Iron, upstairs across from what was then the Hilton Inn (now the Phoenix). The Alano Club was started to have a place to go, to have meetings, and have some fun with sobriety. We had meetings every night, then we started having 5:15pm meetings Monday through Friday, and noon meetings at 12:15pm on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. 

Some of the oldest members were:

  • Bob M.

  • Ed S.

  • Walt P.

  • Tommy T.

  • Victoria M.

  • Moe B.

  • Harold R.

  • Leroy J.

  • Carroll & Sue D.

  • Judy W.

  • Phyllis B.

  • Patty J.

  • Winny & Jean,

  • Jim W.

  • Scott M.

  • Danny H.

  • Jerry & Sharon N.

This group, along with  also helped set up the treatment center on the 4th floor of St. John’s Hospital.

The first correspondence we have from the Salina Group #1 is a letter dated August 5, 1947 from Gene L. addressed to Works Publishing Co. Gene L. writes:

“We have a small group A.A. in Salina and need some literature, an ‘Alcoholics Anonymous.’ Please send to us 12 of each kind of A.A. pamphlet you have, and if you have the Book on Interpitatious [sic} of the 12 Steps send us 3 of them.”

A correspondence dated May 23, 1973 lists George E. as the group’s G.S.R.

Early print directories for "The Salina Group" provide the following information:

Year | Contact | # of Members

Feb 1948 | Gene L. | 6

Aug 1948 | E.L.P. | 7

1949 | Mildred F. | 9

1950 | Homer E. C. | 25

1951 | Not indicated | 20

1952 | Not indicated | 20

1953 | Ardyce M. S. | 30

1950 | Not indicated | 30

1951 | Wayne A. Y. | 32

1952 | Wayne A. Y. | 32

1953 | Ardyce M. S. | 32

An email entry, 2014

Salina Group #1, Salina, Kansas
Service #105587 The first correspondence we have from the Salina Group #1 is a letter dated August 5, 1947 from Gene L. addressed to Works Publishing Co. Gene L. writes: We have a small group A.A. in Salina and need some literature, an “Alcoholics Anonymous. “Please send to us 12 of each kind of A.A. pamphlet you have, and if you have the Book on Interpitatious [sic} of the 12 Steps send us 3 of them. A correspondence dated May 23, 1973 lists George E. as the group’s G.S.R. Early print directories for the Salina Group #1 provide the following information: 

Scott H., a grateful alcoholic originally from Lincoln, Kansas

I came across your website, because I was trying to confirm my own recollection that KSAL broadcasted a show featuring AA members in the early ’70s. I remember listening to the show on Sunday nights and was fascinated by the stories people told. I was only in my early teens at the time. Now I realize that what impressed me was the experience, strength and hope that AA members shared with listeners and callers. I came into the rooms 11-1/2 months ago after a 30-year drinking career. I now believe the familiarity with AA that remained with me from listening the show all those years ago made it easier to admit my powerlessness over alcohol as an adult. I now find true serenity one day at a time by trusting my Higher Power, working the steps with my sponsor and finding strength and hope among other AA members. This alcoholic is thankful for the seed that was planted by your group in 1972. God bless your continued work in Salina. — Scott H. now lives in St. Louis.


Group 1 had a radio show on KSAL in the late 1960 through early 1970s. To the right you can see an ad in the Salina Journal promoting the show.  The show was hosted by many members of Alcoholics Anonymous who took turns. 

(Supplemental: the following excerpt was taken from Father Willys E Neustroms written letter on the formation of the Central Kansas Foundation who credits The New Hope Group for the Radio show. - "The New Hope A.A. group being an open A.A. group, grew in size rather rapidly. One method of outreach used was to start doing a half-hour radio program every Sunday evening at KSAL radio station. Various A.A. members would tell their stories about how they had found sobriety thru A.A. and then take calls from the listening audience. We also advertised a phone number to call for help.")


Donations & Service

Do you have extra AA literature? Group #1 has an AA literature resource library!  You can drop off any Alcoholic's Anonymous literature and we will make sure that it gets in the hands of an alcoholic who needs it.


You can also recycle your sobriety coins to a newcomer. It is a great way to pass on what was given to you.  Simply drop your sobriety coins in the wooden box at the front of the room. 

If you would like to contribute financially or be of service to Group #1, please attend a meeting and ask how you can participate.


Remember that Alcoholics Anonymous is self supporting so only Alcoholics may contribute.

Please respect our AA traditions. 

Group #1 Member from 2000-Present

Chris S.

Group #1 Member from 2020-Present

Bill S.

Group #1 Member from 1987-Present

Charles L. 

Group #1 Member from 1979-Present

Weekly Meeting Schedule

Contact Salina Group #1

Get in touch so we can help...

Group #1 GSR: Jamie A. 316-259-6124

This email is not monitored daily, so messages might not be read for several days.

For immediate assistance, please call the A.A. Hotline below. 

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